2011 S.3 English Camp |
In January, after the mid-term examination, ninety S.3 students joined a 3-day English Camp on Cheung Chau. Despite the cold weather, none had their spirits dampened because 11 NET teachers organized interesting and exciting English activities for them, including ‘Camp Cheer’, Newspaper Hockey, Relay Race, Hunt for the Riddles, Quiz Time and Mini Drama. The highlight was the Cheung Chau Scavenger Hunt in which students raced around Cheung Chau to complete the tasks in their hunt booklet. Divided into 10 groups and each led by one NET teacher, students had numerous opportunities to speak English and overcome different challenges using English. Both students and NET teachers had an enjoyable and unforgettable experience spending time together. |
根據學生問卷結果,有96.8%同學對是次歷奇訓練營有正面的評價,認為訓練營能夠達致原定的目標,在團隊合作及個人層面上有所進步。歷奇訓練營能成功舉行,除教師及同學的積極參與外,在此特別向保良局賽馬會元朗大棠渡假村員工表示衷心的感謝。 |